It’s an easy and fun experience to catch a ferry from Sorrento to Queenscliff!
Sorrento and Queenscliff are beautiful seaside towns in Victoria. The ferry from Sorrento to Queenscliff is only about 40 to 45 minutes long. You can catch the ferry from Sorrento Pier and you will arrive at Queenscliff Harbour.
When does the ferry leave Sorrento to go to Queenscliff?
Every day the ferry departs Sorrento hourly from 7 AM to 6 PM. During peak times, the ferry will also depart at 7 PM. Departing Queenscliff to Sorrento, the timetable runs the same.
Do I need to buy tickets?
You need to purchase tickets either online or where you catch the ferry. We recommend booking online before the trip to avoid any ticket purchasing queues.
Will the ferry still leave during bad weather?
The ferries are built to travel through all sorts of weather, even if it’s windy or heavy rain. When the weather is rougher, we recommend trying to arrive earlier just in case it takes longer to get to the ferry.
What can I do in Queenscliff?
Queenscliff is a small seaside town in Victoria and is about an hour and a half drive from Melbourne city. The town may be small, but there are many attractions you can go and see when exploring the gorgeous area.
Queenscliff Lookout Tower
The Queenscliff Lookout Tower gives you incredible views from up above. You’ll be able to see the seaside, the harbour with all the boats, and the town. To get inside the tower, you can walk up the stairs that go all the way around. As you reach the top, you can circle around the area and see the surrounding areas through the windows.
Check out some local shops
Take a walk down Hesse Street and find yourself seeing small retail stores. You’ll expect to see shops like homewards, apparel, giftware, and bookstores. Or you can head down to Queenscliff is the Harbour that shops along the harbour.
Galleries and museums
There is a range of different galleries and museums to see in Queenscliff. The galleries showcase quality artwork from different Australian artists. Often the galleries run different exhibits, so something new is always popping up. The museums are all different, from the Maritime Museum where you can see the last lifeboat that served for 50 years, the Queenscliffe.
Or you can go to the Fort Queenscliff Museum! This museum displays photographs of the town back in the 1880s, and a range of different artifacts from the military.
After the short 45 minute ferry ride from Sorrento to Queenscliff, you’ll find yourself loving the town. There are beautiful scenic views in the town and many small shops, galleries, and museums to check out. If you need to head back to Sorrento, be sure to be back at Queenscliff Harbour before 6 PM!
Managing Director at Sightseeing Tours Australia
Cameron Ward turned his travel passion into a thriving Australian tourism business. Before he co-founded his own business, Sightseeing Tours Australia, he was enjoying being a Melbourne tour guide. Even now, Cameron delights in helping visitors from all around the world get the most out of their incredible Australian trip. You’ll see Cameron leading tours or writing about his favourite Australian places where he shares his local insights.